Friday, July 31, 2009
Thursday, July 30, 2009
happiness on the doormat

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10:41 AM
tags: swap
Tuesday, July 28, 2009
paris : junku
Although I can't read them I'm a big fan of Japanese craft books and an even bigger fan of Paumes books. So of course I needed to visit Junku, a Japanese bookstore. Their selection of craft books was huge, I just didn't know where to look! And hooray, they also had all my beloved Paumes books :)
I allowed myself to pick one title which was really hard. After a lot of thinking and browsing I picked Souvenirs de Paris, full of lovely Parisian shops.
Yes I know, there are two books on this picture! The other Paumes book I bought in a cute little store called Lilli Bulle. This shop was packed with mostly kids stuff, but there were also books, stationary and all kinds of little things. Oh, I want a shop like that in Amsterdam!
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10:21 AM
tags: paris
Monday, July 27, 2009
must-see-monday : PearsonMaron
Did you know hearts are made in factories?
When I saw this heart factory by PearsonMaron on the Super Cute Kawaii blog I knew I had to pick it for my own must-see-monday. It's simply to cute to ignore!On her Etsy you'll find a whole range of factories, but this one is my favourite. Although the cloud factory and rainbow factories are lovely too.... :D I wish we had factories like that!
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10:23 AM
tags: must see monday
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Friday, July 24, 2009
paris : bread, lots of bread
Take a guess: who got really bad stomach pains in Paris and needed to call a docter late at night?! In the end everything turned out right, but during my stay all I could eat was bread! Luckily Paris is full of bakeries and bread is my favourite food :)
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11:54 AM
tags: paris
Thursday, July 23, 2009
un deux trois paris allez allez allez

walking, Woody Allen, bakeries, Henri Cartier-Bresson, Parisian docter, sun, croissants, summer feelings, La Grande Epicerie, public gardens, LocoRoco, sleeping, pardon?, shop windows, patissier, more walking, too many touristes, hotel apples, Thalys, pain au lait, lovely purchases
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11:35 AM
tags: paris
Monday, July 20, 2009
must-see-monday : obsessive consumption
Obsessive consumption is Kate Bingaman-Burt. She makes work about personal consumption and on her blog you'll find drawings of all her purchases. I always enjoy seeing these drawings pop up in my google reader. Go check her blog 'What did you buy today' to see the designs yourself!Oh and all the drawings are published in monthly zines, available in her Etsy.
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9:54 AM
tags: must see monday
Saturday, July 18, 2009
Wednesday, July 15, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
must-see-monday : marije vogelzang
This weeks must-see-monday is somewhat different as I picked so-called eating designer Marije Vogelzang:
On the internet I stumbled upon her book, Eat love, and luckily it was available in the library. Last week I finally got the chance to read it and I absolutely love it! The book itself is already beautiful (love the drawings!) and it features all her inspiring projects. She makes you think about food, eating experiences and culture. So if you have the chance to read it, don't hesitate!
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7:41 AM
tags: must see monday
Saturday, July 11, 2009
still alive?
The last weeks I've been neglecting my 'online life' a bit. All my days were spent working in the library and cleaning & organizing everything at home. And I really mean everything: from buttons and fabric to kitchen stuff and clothes. It's almost a little tradition to do this before my summer holiday starts and since I'm leaving for Paris in exactly one week I had to work really hard. But now I can officially announce I'm finished! Hooray, I think I'm the most satisfied person on earth right now :)
But there was more:
Oh and I also ate a lot of cherries ♥
posted by
7:41 PM
tags: weekly happy stats
Monday, July 6, 2009
must-see-monday : bailey doesn't bark

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8:33 PM
tags: must see monday