Friday, April 23, 2010

crafting your way to the top

Look, this book will lead me to a mamutopia imperium :)

I received it as a birthday gift,
but I still haven't sat down to read it properly.
Ah well, at least I've photographed it, that's a start!

Does anyone have this book?


  1. I got it when it came out but haven't gotten around reading it, I'm in chapter 1 still but it looks quite fun and encouraging ^_^ I addore the little illustrations and small format

  2. I think all people who'd like to read it never find the time to do so because they're too busy making stuff

    Love the washi.. you gotta have washi! :-)

  3. Nope, but I would love to read it someday...

  4. Nope, haven't read it but certainly will some time...

  5. yes i have it too. not done reading yet but i'm working on it. very helpful and overwhelming. so i guess my etsy shop grand opening will be postponed for a bit..

  6. Just ordered it and I'm curious about it...

  7. Yes, that's right! I got it when it came out, could manage to go through chapter 2 (i think), have to start working in my small business but don't want to before finishing reading the book! Gosh, I'm so bad prioritizing!
    But so far, it's a great book.

  8. I don't have it yet, but I do want it! I should order it soon!

  9. would love to read it - but i don`t have time at the moment. i just have to read boring things for my study.... have a nice weekend!

  10. I heard of it and think of buying it, I read some good reviews!
