Saturday, January 2, 2010

hello 2010!

Why is time going so fast?! I'm still listening to an indiepop christmas podcast and so NOT in the mood yet to go to work again. Now what? Although I'm not really into new year's resolutions, maybe it will help to get me started...

This is all I can think of now. I don't have any specific plans for next year yet, but I'll probably make some during the year. We'll see what happens..

But before everything is back to normal again I'll finish my christmas podcast!


  1. I wish I could say the same. I am so glad the holidays over and the tree got picked up by the recyclers today. I was so ready for it to be gone on the 26th.
    Happy 2010!

  2. Exact mijn goeie voornemens! Méér foto's maken!
    Gelukkig nieuwjaar!
