movies, yummy food and a boyfriend :D
Thursday, December 31, 2009
two diaries?!
Yes, I'm aware that you don't need two diaries for 2010, but I really, really couldn't resist this diary with drawings from Russian children's book. I tried, but I just couldn't! At first I saw it at a bookstore, but didn't buy it. Then I saw it again at another store, but didn't buy it. A couple of weeks later I stumbled upon it again at the Hermitage in Amsterdam.... and this time I was weak. And now I'm thinking what to do with two diaries :D This one is almost too beautiful to use!
posted by
8:34 AM
tags: shopping
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Monday, December 28, 2009
must-see-monday : design blogs
Maybe you have more free time to spend this time of the year, maybe you'll need some inspiration for next year, maybe you just want to lose yourself and forget about time while browsing through lovely blogs (this happens to me every now and then!) ....
There are a lot of reasons to check the UK Times Online list of 50 of the world's best design blogs!
You'll find some well-known blogs like Modish, Sweet Paul and Poppytalk, but there were also lots of blogs I never heard of. Enjoy :)
posted by
8:43 AM
tags: must see monday
Saturday, December 26, 2009
weekly happy stats
Ooh where to start with happy things? Needless to say I love my time off from work! I enjoy the slow start of these days, spend my time mostly inside and only go outside when necessary (groceries!), and just do whatever I want to.
I still have lots of projects on my mind like working on my mamutopia layout (already did a lot, the apple is finally gone!), updating my etsy, trying to work with Illustrator and visiting family. So lucky me, there's another week like this ahead of me! :)
posted by
10:06 AM
tags: weekly happy stats
Friday, December 25, 2009
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
display your favourite cards
Usually I don't buy much stuff for my home, but this rack was on my mind for months. I finally decided to buy it and now I'm totally in love with it! At first I used it to display all my favourite cards, but it didn't satisfy me. There were just too many different colours and designs.
I thought about making cards myself but couldn't find the energy to take out all my paper scraps and actually make them. But last sunday I was on a roll and made all 21 cards! I like it much better this way, it's so peaceful :)
posted by
8:33 AM
Tuesday, December 22, 2009
christmas cards
This year I decided to make my own Christmas Cards. They don't have the traditional colours, but I like it that way. I hope everyone who receives one likes it as much as I do :)
posted by
8:33 AM
tags: craft
Sunday, December 20, 2009
knock knock : secret santa!
A while ago I took part in a Secret Santa swap played by the European Etsy Team and last week I received my gift: three lovely pears made by Apol from La Pomme. Yay! I already knew her store and her pears were my favourite! The letters spell love of course, but at first I thought it was velo as in French bike, hihi. I like them both :) Thanks Apol for your cute gift and thanks ArtMind for organizing everything!
posted by
9:22 AM
tags: swap
Saturday, December 19, 2009
weekly happy stats : only one!
This week I felt a bit lost: it was really busy at work and home, I wasn't feeling too well and seemed to be behind with everything. I spent my free time mostly sleeping and staring out of the window. I'm happy to say I'm doing much better now. Hmm, maybe it has something to do with the start of my holiday? :D I have two weeks off from work! Two whole weeks! I already made lots of plans. Today I'll start by putting my home in a christmas mood and I'll go to a birthday later this afternoon. A good start I'd say! :)
Have a nice weekend!
posted by
7:35 AM
tags: weekly happy stats
Thursday, December 17, 2009
Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Monday, December 14, 2009
must-see-monday : missy kulik
While browsing through my Etsy favourites I rediscovered Missy Kulik, a graphic designer with a super cute shop. She's extremely versatile: from zines to badges and from jewelry to softies, she creates it all! And don't forget Tofu baby :)

posted by
7:44 AM
Saturday, December 12, 2009
weekly happy stats
It was hard to find some things this week, but here they are!

posted by
9:07 AM
tags: weekly happy stats
Thursday, December 10, 2009
Tuesday, December 8, 2009
Monday, December 7, 2009
Saturday, December 5, 2009
Thursday, December 3, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
happy mail day
Look what I received!

Two comics from Sam Spina.
A while ago I stumbled upon this blog called Spina doodles where Sam Spina posts really short comics about his life. I immediately browsed through the whole blog to read them all, because they're so fun to read! He reminds me of one of my favourites, Jeffrey Brown. Of course I had to buy his little books. Too bad I already finished them :)
The envelope made me laugh (why aren't envelopes always like that?) and then there was this note which made me smile even more:

Thanks Sam, this package made my day!
posted by
7:48 AM
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